Saturday 10 February 2024

Escalated DRC violence displaces 78,000 children, families ripped apart – SCI


Escalated DRC violence displaces 78,000 children, families ripped apart – SCI

"Mass Displacement and Urgent Humanitarian Crisis Grips the Democratic Republic of Congo: Save the Children International Reports" 

In a recent development, Save the Children International (SCI) sounded the alarm regarding the escalating violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), leading to the displacement of 78,000 children and the fragmentation of numerous families.

SCI, in a communique provided to Vanguard, disclosed that over 78,000 children have fled their residences in the past week alone. This surge in displacement follows renewed clashes between the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC) and M23, a non-state armed group. Since February 2, these confrontations have displaced a staggering 150,000 individuals, with more than half being children.

According to SCI's statement, families recount heartbreaking stories of children separated during the violence, although the exact number of missing children remains unknown.

Fleeing families are seeking refuge in displacement camps, churches, schools, and with host families, with a significant number now on the perilous journey to Goma, the capital of the province. 

The deployment of heavy weaponry including artillery, drones, and explosives in eastern DRC has resulted in civilian casualties and widespread destruction of critical infrastructure, as lamented by Save the Children.

Local media sources report casualties, including the deaths of 19 individuals and injuries sustained by 27 others, among them three young girls. The violence has spared no sanctuary, with a market struck on February 7, and munitions landing perilously close to a school and hospital, prompting closures of all schools in the affected area.

Alicia, an educator at a Save the Children partner school in North Kivu, vividly recalls the chaos of February 2, emphasizing the profound impact on the community and education system.

Save the Children's Country Director for DRC, Greg Ramm, emphasized the dire situation faced by children in eastern DRC, where violence has become a recurring nightmare, resulting in separation from families and forced displacement.

Ramm underscored the urgent need for action to break the cycle of suffering endured by innocent lives, emphasizing the necessity of prioritizing the rights and well-being of children in the region.

The humanitarian organization highlights the challenges faced in providing essential services to affected populations, with access severely constrained, and the only safe route via boat.

The DRC continues to grapple with protracted crises, with over 25 million people in urgent need of humanitarian assistance and more than seven million displaced. Children constitute over half of the population, further exacerbating the crisis.

Save the Children, operating in the DRC since 1994, has intensified its efforts to address humanitarian needs arising from conflicts and displacement in the eastern provinces. Their interventions include bolstering existing support systems, healthcare provision through mobile clinics, and facilitating access to education by constructing classrooms and distributing learning materials.


Author: verified_user