Sunday 17 December 2023

Hollywood Actor Christian Keyes Reveals Years of Sexual Harassment, Vows to Expose Perpetrator


 Breaking News: Hollywood Actor Christian Keyes Reveals Years of Sexual Harassment, Vows to Expose Perpetrator

In a courageous move, actor Christian Keyes, renowned for his roles in popular BET TV shows and movies, has bravely disclosed enduring years of sexual harassment from an influential Hollywood figure. Keyes took to social media via RALD NEWS MEDIA to share the deeply personal experience, refraining from naming the harasser but emphasizing his commitment to confronting such behavior.

Keyes hinted at possessing evidence, including recordings, shedding light on the traumatic encounters. He expressed concern about the harasser's exploitation of young Black men on payroll, expected to be at his beck and call. "Clearly, that’s why he felt it was okay to say these things," remarked Keyes, emphasizing that sexual harassment extends beyond women, acknowledging that men, too, can be victims.

In a 62-minute video, Keyes elaborated on the incidents, discussing his possession of voice recordings and hinting at revealing more in the near future. The actor's decision to speak out garnered significant support from peers in the entertainment industry, with Claudia Jordan expressing solidarity. Having heard a part of Keyes' experience 15 years ago, Jordan commended his courage, highlighting the challenges men face in addressing such issues and pledging to stand by him as a friend during this difficult time. Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.


Author: verified_user